Main Pyro Server
The server is currently capable of the following:
- Creating Firebase Instances
- Creating S3 Buckets
- Copying Seed from CDN to newly created S3 bucket
- Seed Update
- Creating Firebase Accounts
- Creating Custom Auth Objects
- Enabling Auth on new Firebase Accounts
- Push Notification
- File Upload
- PlANNED DEPRECATION Updates version of seed that is locationed on the server. To speed up single generate endpoint files are being kept on server instead of downloaded from CDN every time. -
- Creates new Firebase account with given credentials- Params: email, password, name
- Create firebase instance- Params: email, password, name
- NOT WORKING Deletes the following:- Firebase Instance
- S3 Bucket
- Create new Firebase Acccount/account/get
- Get Firebase account
- Testing endpoint that is often changing functionality
- Enable email/password auth. This will require an auth token as well as a call to the Firebase Admin API.
- Generalized Push Notification. Should be able to target specific users by id (maybe multiple params later). -
- Generalized File upload