This package contains an R-Shiny Dashboard Displaying Data From INSEE BDM database. This dashboard contains a library of pre-made plots and a plot generator. Graffiti app is a contribution to reproducible research and public data transparency. Under the hood, graffiti uses insee R package.
Have a look at the app : https://graffiti.lab.sspcloud.fr/
# Get the development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("pyr-opendatafr/R-Insee-Data")
# devtools::install_github("pyr-opendatafr/graffiti")
# Use
All contributions are welcome !!
The graffiti app is built with a dedicated docker image available in a separate repo. Then, it is deployed thanks to Onyxia datascience platform
Feel free to open an issue with any question about this package using https://github.com/pyr-opendatafr/graffiti/issues Github repository.