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Version 1.4.0

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@kbwestfall kbwestfall released this 23 Apr 16:24
· 6642 commits to release since this release


  • Include a fix for when no edges are detected in EdgeTraceSet by
    adding the bound_detector parameter. Most instruments have a
    default of bound_detector = False meaning that the code will skip
    processing any detector where no slit edges are found. Some
    instuments set the default to be bound_detector = True because the
    slit edges always or often fall off the edge of the detector (i.e.,
    the detector is fully illuminated). These instruments are currently
    mmt_mmirs, mmt_bluechannel, not_alfosc, and shane_kast; note
    that some gemini_gmos data in the DevSuite require
    bound_detector=True, as well.
  • Improved wavelength template for DEIMOS gratings: 600ZD, 830G.
  • Added new ArI, KrI, NeI, XeI arc lines.
  • PypeIt can now compute arc line FWHM from the lines themselves. This
    is controlled by a new parset, fwhm_fromlines, which is set to
    False by default, except for DEIMOS.
  • Added a development document about the DEIMOS wavelength calibration.
  • Limit reduction to detectors 3 and 7 when DEIMOS LVM mask is used
    (other detectors are empty)
  • Add wavelength RMS to SpecObj. This is an update of the datamodel to
  • Add Bok B&C spectrograph
  • Add pypeit_obslog script that simple compiles and prints metadata
    from a set of fits files needed by pypeit to run.
  • Change PypeItSetup.from_file_root to require the output path to
    write the vanilla pypeit file. If no path is provided, the object is
    instatiated without creating any output.
  • Fixed bug in sensitivity function code adressing issue #747. Revamped sensitivity
    function completely to compute zeropoints and throughput. Enhanced QA.
  • Added MOSFIRE QL script.
  • Added support for VLT/SINFONI K 25mas (0.8x0.8 arcsec FOV) platescale
  • Updated docs for differencing imaging sky subtraction.
  • Added "sky" frametype for difference imaging sky subtraction addressing issue # 1068
  • Improved and sped up sensitivity function telluric codes.
  • Fixed bugs in ArchiveReid automatic wavelength identification.
  • Removed numba dependency.
  • Improved pypeit_view_fits script.
  • Fixed ginga bugs in and added automatic cuts to show_2dspec
  • Added latin hypercube sampler to pypeit.utils which is required for differential evolution
  • Improved GMOS R400 wavelength solution
  • Turned off GMOS-S binning restriction
  • Add GTC OSIRIS spectrograph
  • Updates for docs on adding new spectrographs. And a bok test
  • Added a new pypeit_collate_1d tool to automatically group 1D Spectra from
    multiple files by group and coadd them.
  • PypeIt will now add HISTORY keyword entries to FITS files.
  • use_maskdesign is turned off for DEIMOS LVM masks
  • a new parameter use_user_fwhm is added in ExtractionPar to allow
    the user to set their preferred fwhm
  • Improved slittrace.assign_maskinfo
  • PypeIt can now force extractions of DEIMOS non detected objects at the
    location expected from slitmask design.
  • SpecObj and SlitTrace datamodel versions updated
  • pypeit_show_2dspec shows traces of forced extraction and manual extraction
    with a different colors
  • Updated docs about extraction and DEIMOS