YC119.9 - v1.32.0
- Updated to YC119.9 1.3
- Added eve-marketdata.com as a pricing source. You can select this in the preferences window. eve-central.com is still default (#1297)
- Issue relating to applying Booster Missile Velocity Penalties (#1280/#1282) (thanks @burnsypet)
- Context manu failing to spawn in the character implants section when no implant sets were available (#1264/#1272/#1284) (thanks @burnsypet)
- Error when trying to Login to CREST after having already logged, exported a fit, logged/timed out, and attempted to log back in (#1260)
- Stacking penalty not being applied to the Max Targeting Range bonus of Information Command Burst > Sensor Optimization (#1275)
- Error involving item prices that (presumably) manifests when pricing source is offline (#1291)
- Remove Module/Drone/Fighter from projected section now functions properly (#1286)
- Cloning a module from cargo to the fitting window now works without error (#1287)
- Error when importing attribute overrides (#1283)
- Issue in which you could add more modules onto a fit than it's group allowed by cloning the module (#1278)
- Missing effect for the Legion Covert Reconfiguration subsystem causing thes canning bonus not to apply (#1276)
- Calculation bug involving the Global Character setting (#1263)
- [Linux]
'PFTabsContainer' object has no attribute 'efxBmp'
error preventing pyfa from starting (#1265)
- Updated EVE-Online forum thread links to reflect new forums