YC 118.1 - v1.18.0
OS X users: This release contains both the normal Mac binaries (-mac) and the updated binaries built with wxPython 3.0 (-mac-wx3). CREST and Attribute Override is only supported on the wx3 release as the old binaries do not include the additional modules we use for these features. However, there are still some issues concerning the -mac-wx3 build. I urge Mac users to test the wx3 release and let me know of issues involving it.
- Updated to YC 118.1 1.0
- Civilian Weapons are now included in the database and can be added to fits (#477)
- Export to / import from CREST now includes drones and cargo (thanks @Neugeniko!)
- Option to disable stat gauge animations (to help some OSX 10.11 users reporting heavy lagging, see #438)
- When importing a file, if there is an error for whatever reason, an error message will pop up informing you rather than hanging the process.
- EFT imports with empty slots don't import (#474, #494)
- XML imports crashing (encoding issues) (#491, #489)
- [Linux / source] Increased minimum Python version to 2.7 (see #465 (comment))