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Preview - fit projection improvements

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@blitzmann blitzmann released this 12 Jul 16:36

Warning: This is a beta release for testing purposes. Things probably will break. For this reason, this release creates a database in it's root directory to prevent using the user's database. However, as always, we recommend backing up all your fits and even your current database file as a precaution. The database file is located in [userdir]/.pyfa/saveddata.db. If you are looking for the latest official stable release, please see here:

This is a beta pre-release that focuses on a variety of improvements and fixes related to projected fits. Please be merciless in your testing - try out various combinations of projected fits, gang boosts, projected fits with gang boosts, etc.


  • Some changes and general clean up to fit calculation logic have been made. While this shouldn't affect normal fits, regressions are always possible. Please compare your existing fits to the official release and note any regressions.
  • Projected fits can now be toggled
  • Projected fits can now be applied in multiple -- set quantity with right click same as you would cargo. There is a hard-coded max of 20x per fit, which should be adequate.
  • States for boosters, implants, drones, etc show the pretty check mark now
  • Projected fit recursion is no longer possible. Now we only go to one degree of projection, which is all that is needed for calculations. You can test this with A > B > C > A - in current release this will cause fits to crash. With this pre-release, this should be fixed.
  • Debug logging has been added for some fit calculation logic. This release has logging level set to DEBUG for helping diagnos any issues, and these should be logged in ~/.pyfa/log.txt
  • Self projection has been implemented, and must be tested thoroughly, especially with ganglinks. I implemented this with shadow-copying the fit. It should not be saved to the database, but please let us know is you notice random fit copies popping up.

Known issues:

  • [Windows, possibly OS X as well] When closing pyfa, message is displayed to see log file for error details. Not sure why this happens as of yet

As always, if you notice and regression, bugs, etc, please post an issue to GitHub with details and remember to mention that you are using the pre-release.