This are scripts used to analyse multi-echo fRMI data in our group at the DCCN. They are based on SPM12 and custom scripts.
A detailed description what those scripts do and how they are to be used can be found here on the wiki (also part of this repository):
Note: Use Matlab 2014a or newer.
v1.01 major bug fixes:
- spmbatch_preprocessing.m -> now correctly coregisters structural and functional, and thus normalization works as intended
minor bug fixes:
- typo in RemoveCombinedData.m
- remove reference to localizerSeries
- wrongly set 'keepIntermediaryFiles' in CombineSubject
- add optional check for number of volumes vs expected number of volumes
- scans_metadata_TEMPLATE.m lists nVolumes array (see above)
- extend .gitignore for SPM.mat, nifti etc.
- update documentation and minor enhancements
- GetAllDicomNames. throws error if no Dicoms, and a warning series-of-interest not present