Smart contract deployable to EOS and EOSIO chains.
id | owner (account) | key (string) | value (string) |
1 | dataproofeos | max_signups | 100 |
2 | dataproofeos | signup_uri | https://example.tld |
3 | anotheracct | encrypted_hash | 4db268bbaad225a0a |
insert(account owner, string key, string value)
- Inserts a new entry into
with corresponding account, key, and value. - There can be keys of same value (so long as they are not from the same account).
- Authorized account owner calls insert (ie:
can only add keys for himself). - Contract owner can call insert with any account owner.
- Caller pays for data storage.
update(account owner, string key, string value)
- Updates existing into
with corresponding account, key, and value. - Authorized account owner calls update (ie:
can only add keys for himself). - Contract owner cannot call update with any account owner.
rekey(account owner, string key, string new_key)
- Changes the key string for an existing key.
- Authorized account owner calls rekey (ie:
can only rekey keys for himself). - Fails if
not found.
delete(account owner, string key)
- Deletes entry in
matching account and key. - Authorized account owner calls delete (ie:
can only delete keys for himself). - Contract owner cannot call delete with any account owner.
- what is the maximum string size? length ( should be enforced by libs )
- does key column need to be optimized?