- Säkerställ att det är rätt filer som du vill pusha. Pusha inte skräpfiler som .DS_Store eller dylikt.
- Gör en
git pull
för att få den nyaste versionen. - Om du får
merge request
när du gör pull måste du se till att mergen blir rätt, dvs: Skall din lokala ändring vara kvar, eller skall den på github vara kvar? Här kan du behöva gå in i filen som har konflikt och ta bort>>>>>
vid rätt ställe. - Är du osäker? FRÅGA
TimeMate is a system for time reporting and is developed in Java. This project is divided into four phases, following the waterfall model. A phase is not officially started until the previous one is completed.
At the end of every phase several documents must be produced and to complete the current phase, all of the documents required must pass an informal review, followed by a formal review.
After every phase the following documents must be produced:
- SDP - Software Development Plan
- SRS - Software Requirements Specification
- SVVS - Software Verification and Validation Specification
- SVVR - Software Verification and Validation Report
- SSD - System Specification Document
- PFR - Project Final Report
The repository is divided into three seperate branches. All main work is done in the development branch.
Once documents pass informal review, they are merged into the review branch.
Once the documents pass formal review, they are merged into the master branch.
Illustrates the branching workflow in the project.
- Clone repo:
git clone URL
- Update current branch:
- Push current branch:
git push -u REMOTE BRANCH
- Config user information:
git config --global user.name "NAME" && git config --global user.email "EMAIL"
- Show status:
git status
- Switch branch:
git checkout BRANCHNAME
- Create branch:
git checkout -b BRANCHNAME
- Show latest commits:
git log
- Show latest commits as graoh:
git log --graph
- Project hand-in Monday 22/3 12:00
- Accept Meeting Thrusday 25/3 11:00