A leaflet-based TMS viewer which accepts a TMS URL as a GET parameter. Good for fullscreen map viewing and embedding.
It accests parameters for a TMS as well as others, following this syntax:
- tms - with trailing slahs, such as http://mapknitter.org/tms/lone-rock-pond/
- lon - center longitude, required
- lat - center latitude, required
- zoom - zoom level, default 18
- minZoom - minimum zoom level, default 15
- maxZoom - maximum zoom level, default 22
Use it to make embed codes:
<iframe style="border:none;" width="500" height="375" src="https://publiclab.github.io/plots-leaflet-viewer/?tms=http://mapknitter.org/tms/lone-rock-pond/&lon=-73.0733&lat=43.96055&zoom=18"></iframe>