This is a project to compile a list of the different organizations creating free and open source software designed for state and federal governments and related services. Some of the software is created for government to use, other is software created by civil society to supplment services tradditional provided by government or directly related to unique government functions. This is not intended to be a list of software that is designed for general use and might happen to be useful for governments.
- How to Choose a License
- Department of Defense Open Source Software FAQ, "What license should the government or contractor choose/select when releasing open source software?" (6 minutes)
- MySQL's "Commercial License for OEMS, ISVs and VARs", Oracle (4 minutes)
- "How to choose a license for your own work", Free Software Foundation (8 minutes)
- NZGOAL-SE "Open access and public release of agency software using free and open source licences" Paragraph 14 - 15 (2 minutes)
- NZGOAL-SE "Adaptations" Paragrpahs 19 - 21 (2 minutes)
- How to include licensing information in a FOSS project
- Managing copyright information within a free software project, Software Freedom Law Center (2012) (15 minutes) Optional: Maintaining Permissive-Licensed Files in a GPL-Licensed Project: Guidelines for Developers, Software Freedom Law Center (2007)
- Designing an RFP
- Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Salesforce Center of Excellence, User-Centered Design Challenge, TechFAR Hub
- Review the Templates from the TechFAR Hub
- FOSS Community Software Development Best Practices
- The Table of Contents of Producing Open Source Software
- Core Infrastructure Initiative Best Practices Badge
- Legal Review for a FOSS Agreement/Issue Spotting
- GNU General Public License v3
- The following selected Answers from the Free Software Foundation's Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU Licenses
- Who has the power to enforce the GPL?
- Does the GPL allow me to distribute copies under a nondisclosure agreement?
- Does the GPL allow me to develop a modified version under a nondisclosure agreement?
- Does the GPL allow me to add terms that would require citation or acknowledgment in research papers which use the GPL-covered software or its output?
- I would like to release a program I wrote under the GNU GPL, but I would like to use the same code in nonfree programs.
- Is the developer of a GPL-covered program bound by the GPL? Could the developer's actions ever be a violation of the GPL?
- What does it mean to say that two licenses are “compatible”?
- Open Source Licensing for Developers
- A Legal Issues Primer for Open Source and Free Software Projects
- Designing a Contract
- Assessing Open Sourcing a Project
- Lessons Learned from the Federal Source Code Policy
- Best Practices for Deliverables
- Best Practices Criteria for Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS), Core Infrastructure Initiative, Linux Foundation
- Checkbook NYC
- Managing copyright information within a free software project, Software Freedom Law Center (2012)
- Maintaining Permissive-Licensed Files in a GPL-Licensed Project: Guidelines for Developers, Software Freedom Law Center (2007)
- Creating a Checklist for reviewing a Contract for FOSS issues
- GNU General Public License v3
- Supplement: GPL Version 3, Ch. 9, Copyleft and the GNU General Public License: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide, Software Freedom Conservancy & Free Software Foundation (2018) (reference only)
- Supplement: GPLv3, Software Freedom Law Center Guide to GPL Compliance 2nd Ed., Moglen & Choudhary (2014) (reference only)
- Supplement: Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU Licenses, Free Software Foundation (reference only)
- Feedback on the Existing RFP Template & Example RFO for FOSS
- Statement of Objectives Template from the TechFar Hub
- Agile Development RFQ Sample from the TechFAR Hub
- How to Use FOSS for Internal Software Development
- GSPD Updates Related to FOSS
- Defense Digitial Service's
- U.S. General Services Administration's
- United Kingdom Digital Service code
- United Kingdom Digital Service Operations code
- New Zealand code
- Israel code
- GitHub and Government - List of Government GitHub Accounts
- U.S. CFPB Open Tech (code)
- California Open Source Portal
- Digital 5 Charter
- Isreal's Open Government Action Plan 2018-2019 English PDF
- Montreal OSS & Open Hardware Policy
- France OSS Contribution Policy
- California Open Source and Code Reuse
- United States Department of Defense Open Source Software FAQ
- United States IRS Safeguards Technical Assistance Memorandum Use of FTI in Open Source Software
- GitHub Government Open Source Resources Agency Examples
Government Digital Service, Guidance Be Open and Use open source November 6th, 2017
Government Digital Service, Technology Code of Practice February 26th 2018
United States Cases
United States Tax Exempt Status
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201717048
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201720010 (charing fee for services destroyed charitable nature of open source nonprofit)
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201533014 (merelying providing open source software is not a charitable purpose)
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201505040 (rebust denial of multiple rationals including government purpose)
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201329021
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201303018
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201507025 (denied 501(c)(4))
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201808019
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201345030
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201420021
- IRS Revenue Ruling 201405024
- IRS Revenue Ruling Nov 13, 2000