Rust example for the LilyGo T-Display-S3 AMOLED Plus development board.
- LilyGo T-Display-S3 AMOLED Plus
- ESP32-S3 microcontroller
- 1.91" AMOLED display (RM67162 controller)
- CST816S touch controller
- BQ25896 PMU (Power Management Unit)
- Display driver for RM67162 AMOLED controller
- Touch input support via CST816S
- Power management via BQ25896
- SPI display interface
- Touch gesture detection
- Battery monitoring
- esp-backtrace - Provides backtrace support for ESP32-S3.
- esp-hal - Hardware abstraction layer for the ESP32-S3.
- esp-alloc - Memory allocator for ESP32.
- embedded-hal - Traits for embedded hardware abstractions.
- embassy-embedded-hal - Async implementations of embedded-hal traits.
- esp-hal-embassy - Integration of esp-hal with Embassy.
- embassy-executor - Task executor for async/await in embedded systems.
- mipidsi - Driver for MIPI DSI displays.
- embedded-graphics-core - Core traits for embedded-graphics.
- display-interface - Abstraction for display communication interfaces.
- display-interface-spi - SPI implementation for display-interface.
- embedded-hal-bus - Bus abstractions for embedded-hal.
- critical-section - Critical section management.
- libm - Math library for embedded systems.
- slint - GUI toolkit for embedded systems.
- slint-build - Build script support for Slint.
- Build the project:
- Flash to device:
- The display will show PMU status information including:
- Charge status
- Bus status
- Battery voltage
- Temperature
- Touch gestures supported:
- Single tap
- Double tap
- Long press
- Swipe (up/down/left/right)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
MIT License - see LICENSE file for details