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This is a system for storing, serving and tracking BLAST and PSI_BLAST PSSM files.


  1. dnf install postgresql-contrib (for hstore extension)
  2. pip install -r requirements/base.txt
  3. Add blast_cache db to postgres CREATE DATABASE blast_cache_db;
  4. Enable hstore extension \c blast_cache_db CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
  5. Create test template for the test db CREATE DATABASE hstemplate; \c hstemplate CREATE EXTENSION hstore; update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='hstemplate';
  6. Add blast_cache_user to postgres CREATE USER blast_cache_user WITH PASSWORD ''; ALTER USER blast_cache_user CREATEDB;
  7. Run migrations
  8. Add ' createsuperuser'


  1. GET Requests
  • blast_cache/list/ : List every single entry in the db
  • blast_cache/list/[MD5] : list all unexpired entries in the db with this MD5
  • blast_cache/entry/[MD5]?[param...]=[value]... : retrieve unexpired single unique record given MD5 and uniquely specifying params
  • blast_cache/entry/[MD5]?[param...]=[value]&block=true... : retrieve unexpired single unique record given MD5 and uniquely specifying params and if not present create a record and set it to blocked
  1. POST Requests
  • blast_cache/entry : required fields include

When posting PSSM string data it needs to be escaped properly so that it does not get read as json on submission (see line 98 of, .replace('"', '\"').replace('\n', '\n'). This also means that these escape sequences must be removed when data is retrieved

Required POST parameters

  • name: A short easy to remember identifier for the cache entry
  • md5: The md5 hash of the protein sequence for the cache entry
  • file_type: An integer reflecting the file type; 1: PSSM, 2: CHK
  • blast_hit_count: An integer listing the number of blast hits
  • runtime: An integer listing the blast runtime in seconds
  • data: A dict containing the file_data (required)

Test with

python test

Start with

python runserver