The Lurking Horror is an interactive fiction game released by Infocom in 1987. The game was written by Dave Lebling and inspired by the horror fiction writings of H. P. Lovecraft (including his Cthulhu Mythos). The original release was for MS-DOS, Apple II, Atari ST, Atari 8-bit family, and Commodore 64. It was Infocom's 26th game and the only in the horror genre. Infocom rated it as "Standard" in terms of difficulty.
This repository contains the following:
- The Lurking Horror Source Code repository written in ZIL, here you can also find - game compiled for the Z-Machine interpreter.
- FROTZ an interpreter for all Infocom and other Z-machine games.
Just use make
command inside the ./frotz subdirectory
Run game with ./frotz path/to/
- More about building and installing FROTZ
- How to play
- The Lurking Horror readme file
- The Lurking Horror Wikipedia article
I did not created the game nor the FROTZ project. This repository is only a copy created to bundle together a classic game and a software allowing to run it on modern PC.
The Lurking Horror was created by Infocom and the source code was archived here as well as in other repositories on GitHub.
FROTZ was written by David Griffith and is licensed under GPL, the original repository is available on GitLab.