Create and edit plists and other data formats on the command line through horrible abuse of the Swift Coding protocols.
Create an empty plist dictionary:
plistutil create --format binary file.plist
Convert a plist into a swift dictionary literal:
plistutil convert --format swift --out-file dictionary.swift file.plist
Insert some data (base64-encoded) into a plist file in-place, several keys down:
plistutil insert --key TopLevelKey --key SecondLevelKey --key ThirdLevelKey --type data --value "bmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXAgOykK"
Remove the first element of the array under a top-level key, and put it in a new file with a different format:
plistutil remove --key TopLevelKey --key '^' --out-file plist.bin --format binary plist.xml
Extract the last element of the top-level array, and put it in a new file with the same format (inferred from input file):
plistutil extract --key '$' --out-file inner.bin plist.bin
Pretty-print a plist:
plistutil print plist.xml
Declare the dependency as you would normally, and then list the product as a dependency of your plugin target:
let package = Package(
name: "Library",
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "Library",
targets: ["Library"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")
targets: [
name: "Library",
plugins: [.plugin(name: "Plugin")]),
name: "LibraryTests",
dependencies: ["Library"]),
.plugin(name: "Plugin",
capability: .command(intent: .custom(verb: "export-plist",
description: "Plist modifier"),
permissions: [.writeToPackageDirectory(reason: "To modify plists")]),
dependencies: [.product(name: "plistutil", package: "PlistUtil")]),
.plugin(name: "BuildPlugin",
capability: .buildTool(),
dependencies: [.product(name: "plistutil", package: "PlistUtil")])
Then you should be able to get the path to this utitily from the PluginContext
object passed to your build tool:
struct BuildPlugin: BuildToolPlugin {
func createBuildCommands(context: PackagePlugin.PluginContext, target: PackagePlugin.Target) async throws -> [PackagePlugin.Command] {
let plistPath = context.pluginWorkDirectory.appending(subpath: "dict.plist")
let outputPath = context.pluginWorkDirectory.appending(subpath: "dict.swift")
return [
.buildCommand(displayName: "Embed plist",
executable: try context.tool(named: "plistutil").path,
arguments: [
inputFiles: [plistPath],
outputFiles: [outputPath]),
This package has tests, but there may be bugs in subtle corner cases. If you find one, feel free to send a pull request. Make sure you add tests for any new functionality or fixes you address. Thank you :)