A game where you travel through space and land on planets.
Run "./www/index.html" in a Live Server in a browser window (vscode has one)
Make sure you have Visual Studio code, vscode Live Server extension, nodejs and npm installed.
Open Visual Studio code
Then run "npm install" (in a terminal window) then run "npm run build" You might have to install other things globally like webpack and/or the typescript compiler.
Then in a terminal window run "tsc --watch -p ./src --outDir ./nodeSrc" then run (in a new terminal window) "webpack -w"
Then right click "./www/index.html" and chose "Open with Live Server"
Finally you should have PlanetSearch3 open in a new browser window and refresh everytime you make a change in "src"
Change debugging
in webpack.config.js
to "true" and make sure you're running the command described in "Contributing" (above)
Make sure you stop all running commands in the terminal before pushing anything to a repository.