PastVu gem is a Ruby wrapper for PastVu API. It allows convenient interaction with the API in your Ruby code.
PastVu is an open-source online platform for gathering, geo-tagging, attributing and discussing retro photos. Its repository can be found on GitHub.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add pastvu
or add the following line to the Gemfile manually
# gem "pastvu"
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install pastvu
and do not forget to require the gem in your code:
require "pastvu"
Refer to PastVu API documentation for available interactions, parameters, parameter types and response examples.
Here are several use-cases for the gem depending on what you may want to request from PastVu:
- Nearest Photos
- Photos inside geographical bounds
- Full photo information
- Commentaries for a photo
- Adjusting gem's configuration
golden_gate_coordinates = [37.82,-122.469322]
# It sends photo.giveNearestPhotos request
# Returns a PhotoCollection instance on success
photo_collection = Pastvu.nearest_photos(geo: golden_gate_coordinates)
# Optional params, too, go as keyword arguments:
photo_collection = Pastvu.nearest_photos(
geo: golden_gate_coordinates,
except: 228481,
limit: 12
# PastVu API does not allow requesting >30 nearest photos
# but you can skip the ones you have already requested
new_photo_collection =
# The previous limit (12 in the case above or 30 if no limit was specified) defines how many photos the new collection gets
# It is possible to set a new limit in the argument (no more than 30!):
new_photo_collection =
# The full response can be immediately transformed into JSON or Hash
# On iteration pastvu gem extracts photo information into Photo object
photo_collection.each do |photo|
# Photo attributes are available as methods:
puts photo.title
puts photo.year
puts photo.geo
# etc
# Photo can be transformed into hash:
hash = photo.to_hash
puts hash["title"]
puts hash["year"]
puts hash["geo"]
# etc
# and into json:
photo_collection.each_with_index do |photo, i|
# All return download URL as String:
photo.thumb # or thumbnail
# The path to a new photo must end with ".jpg" or ".jpeg"
desired_path_to_photo = "awesome_photo_number_#{i + 1}.jpg"
# All return File object:, desired_path_to_photo), desired_path_to_photo), desired_path_to_photo) # or :thumbnail
photo_collection.each do |photo|
# To make a request for comments:
photo.comments # returns CommentCollection
# See also the section on comments
# To make a request for full photo information
photo.reload # returns a new Photo object
# See also the section on photo information
PastVu API accepts geoJSON polygons and geoJSON multipolygons
# use JSON string in the GeoJSON format:
paris_montmartre = '{"coordinates":[[[2.34218629483172,48.88623415508624],[2.34218629483172,48.88425956838617],[2.3449771858020085,48.88425956838617],[2.3449771858020085,48.88623415508624],[2.34218629483172,48.88623415508624]]],"type":"Polygon"}'
# or use hash in the GeoJSON format:
paris_montmartre = {
"type" => "Polygon",
"coordinates" => [
# It sends photo.getByBounds request
# It returns BoundsResponse
bounds_response = Pastvu.by_bounds(
geometry: paris_montmartre,
z: 16
The response may contain clusters, photos, or both - see API docs
photo_collection = # returns PhotoCollection
cluster_collection = bounds_response.clusters # returns ClusterCollection
PhotoCollection and each photo object have almost all the same methods as discussed in the previous scenario section.
Note that PastVu API may send different photo data for by_bounds and nearest_photos requests. This, however, does not obstruct in-built convenience methods for downloading.
For instance:
photo_collection.each do |photo|
photo.original # will work
photo.year2 # should work for by_bounds but might not work for nearest_photos
end # will not work for by_bounds
On the Pastvu website, clusters are representations of multiple photos. Users see clusters when zooming out.
# The full response can be immediately transformed into JSON or Hash
cluster_collection.each do |cluster|
# Cluster attributes are available as methods:
puts cluster.c
# etc
# Cluster can be transformed into Hash
hash = cluster.to_hash
puts hash["c"]
# etc
# and into JSON
cluster.to_json # returns Photo object corresponding to the clusters cover thumbnail
photo_cid = 5
# It sends photo.giveForPage request
# Returns informationResponse on success
photo_information = Pastvu.photo_info(photo_cid)
# informationResponse can be transformed into JSON and Hash
photo = photo_information.to_photo # returns Photo object
# There is also a shorthand to return Photo object immediately instead of informationResponse
photo =
The created Photo object will respond to all the methods discussed previously but it tends to have more attributes. Finally, it is possible to request full information for any Photo object by calling Photo#reload
on Photo instance, which returns a new Photo instance.
photo_cid = 5
# It makes comment.giveForObj request
# It returns CommentCollection on success
comment_collection = Pastvu.comments(photo_cid)
comment_collection.users # returns hash with data about all the users who left a comment under the photo
comment_collection.each do |comment|
# Comment attributes are available as methods
puts cluster.user
puts cluster.txt
# etc
# Cluster can be transformed into Hash
hash = cluster.to_hash
puts hash["user"]
puts hash["txt"]
# etc
# and into JSON
comment.replies # returns Array containing replies to the given comment
Pastvu.configure do |c| # ""
c.path # "api2"
c.user_agent # "Ruby PastVu Gem/#{VERSION}, #{RUBY_PLATFORM}, Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}"
# Raise when API response is not of expected format
c.ensure_successful_responses # "true"
# Raise when supplied params are not of the required type
c.check_params_type # "true"
# Raise when supplied params are not of the required values
c.check_params_value # "true"
- Rework tests to use VCR gem
- Refactor tests
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.