Released version 15.10.16
Upgraded WordPress to version 4.2.2 (Trello #794)
Added testlib
Updated Mailer library
Show Google Analytics dashboard for superadmins when goes to others admin's blogs (Trello #756)
Multisite common functions, styles and languages moved to a new submodule (Trello #787)
Allow non ldap users to restore their passwords (Trello #826)
GCE: Changed default cache duration to 300 seconds (Trello #875)
WSL: Hidden some tabs for all users but xtecadmin (GitHub #200)
WSL: Added access control using black and white lists (GitHub #62)
Set default selected image size to large on page and article creation
Wordpress-Importer: Added spanish translation
Added theme Fukasawa (Trello #947)
Updated theme Twentyfifteen (Trello #794)
Moved wp-recaptcha as submodule (Trello #926)
Raw HTML: Upgraded to version 1.4.15 (Trello #793)
AddThis: Upgraded to version 5.1.1 (Trello #794)
Anti-spam: Upgraded to version 3.5 (Trello #794)
Blogger Importer: Upgraded to version 0.9 (Trello #936)
Fix for Multisite Clone Duplicator when there are more than 1.000 blogs (Trello #794)
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