A library for watching container metrics and send to remote.
This repo implement open-falcon methods you can write your methods by your self.
- write a func to implement Send method if you want send metircs to other place.
func Send(data map[string]float64, endpoint, tag string, timestamp, step int64) error
- set metric global setting
SetGlobalSetting(client Remote, timeout, forceTimeout time.Duration, vlanPrefix, defaultVlan string)
create a backend object which implemented Send interface.
create a metric for each container.
CreateMetric(step time.Duration, client Remote, tag, endpoint string)
- init metric object
InitMetric(cid string, pid int)
- update, calcuate, save and send
UpdateStats(cid string)
CalcRate(info map[string]uint64, now time.Time)
SaveLast(info map[string]uint64)
Send(rate map[string]float64)
- exit metirc
see example.go only work under LINUX environment.
eru-metric CONTAINERID CONTAINERID ... CONTAINERID [-DEBUG] [-d docker remote addr] [-t transfer remote addr]