Built by: Andrew Davis, Peter Murphy, Richard Bellamy and Nikki Carthen
Project Narp is an aid for students or users that wished to learn more about JavaScript. It was created with the intent to help reinforce JavaScript topics that you would use or come across while learning how to code.
Why Project NARP
As a team, we realized a need for a site that made understanding concepts presented in JavaScript easier to understand. Sometimes when being taught certain concepts we realized the over use of technical language and wanted to devise a site that would break these topics down in an easier to understand style.
Semantic Versioning
semantic versioning: no clue
Used Devices
https://pixabay.com/photo-2024214/ --where image was used from
Monokai Sublime style. Derived from Monokai by noformnocontent http://nn.mit-license.org/
Railscasts-like style (c) Visoft, Inc. (Damien White)
Visual Studio-like style based on original C# coloring by Jason Diamond [email protected]
Zenburn style from voldmar.ru (c) Vladimir Epifanov [email protected] based on dark.css by Ivan Sagalaev
highlight.js v9.13.1 | BSD3 License | git.io/hljslicense
Topic Ideas