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Paul Raingeard edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 22 revisions

Something is wrong after a version update

Please look at the breaking changes page.

Disable FS-UAE mouse capture

To disable the mouse capture by FS-UAE add the launch option (.vscode/launch.json):

    "configurations": [
            "emulatorType": "fs-uae",
            "options": [

The debugger does not hit a breakpoint

Please verify:

  • You have at least a 0.7 version extension installed
  • FS-UAE Or WinUAE is a custom build with the remote debugger (try with the prebuilt binaries).

The copper debugger does not stop in each line

This is due to the way the emulator deals with the copper emulation.

The copper breakpoint is hit on a wrong line

This is due to the way the emulator deals with the copper emulation.

The message "Build aborted: there are compile errors" appears, what's happening ?

Go to the "output" tab (menu: view/Output), if you select "Amiga Assembly" in the combo (in the Output tab view) you will see all the errors from vasm / vlink.

The breakpoints are not resolved

If you use a binary compiled from files in another workspace directory, the debug info may point to an unknown path. In this case, you'll have to set the replacement expressions in the launch configuration.

    "configurations": [
            "sourceFileMap": {
                "my/old/path": "my/new/path/"

Gray screen and the debugger does not start

The first section of the executable must be a code section. Please verify that the first object added to vlink contains your entry point. You may try some vlink options like -mrel to automatically merge sections, when there are PC-relative references between them.

    "amiga-assembly.vlink": {
        "enabled": true,
        "options": [

The output binary is not updated when I run or debug my program

Please verify in the launch configuration that you have this options set:

    "preLaunchTask": "amigaassembly: build"

I try to build / run and nothing happens

  • If you are on linux please check the authorizations of the binary files.
  • Select the "OUTPUT" tab and in the combo select "Amiga Assembly" you will get some logs that might be interesting.

Home can I print the custom register values

For the custom registers you can add to the watch:

  • m $dff180,4


  • m ${COLOR00},4

For all the registers at once:

  • m $dff000,512,4,1
000002f0 | ...ð
00dff000: 000002f0 | ...ð
00dff004: a0001cca | ...Ê
00dff1f0: 00000000 | ....
00dff1f4: 00000000 | ....
00dff1f8: 00008000 | ....
00dff1fc: 0000ff3a | ..ÿ:

The emulator starts but it does not boot

WinUAE uses relative paths, sometimes they are bigger than the 260 default max path size.

Try to activate the long paths in windows :

How can I use an alternate kickstart?

For fs-uae launch configuration add the parameter:

  • "--kickstart_file=C:/my_path_to_kickstarts/Kickstart1.3.rom"

For winuae launch configuration add the parameter:

  • "-r", "C:/my_path_to_kickstarts/Kickstart1.3.rom"

How can I set the main source (entry point)?

Add the parameter entrypoint to the vlink configuration:

"vlink": {
    "entrypoint": "my_main_file.s",

How can I use the extension without The syntax checking of vasm

Set the setting amiga-assembly.checkErrorOnSave To false.

How can I install a pre-release VISX?

Variables display

The build does not work anymore "spawn xxxx//vasmm68k_mot ENOENT"

The binDir setting is corrupted.

Please restore the default setting and reload the binaries.

rescue the the bindir

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