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How to Release (Old DO NOT USE)

Ravi Sharda edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Here's instructions on how to release the pravega-keycloak library.

Note: the library is versioned with semver semantics.

Update Pravega Dependendency

Update pravegaVersion in gradle.propertiesto use the latest release version of Pravega. LeavebuildVersion` as-is.

Prepare Release Branch

For MAJOR and MINOR releases, create a release branch with name release-X.Y. For PATCH releases, use the existing release branch.

Update Build Version on Release Branch

Update buildVersion in with a release version for this library.

Publish To JCenter

Travis automatically publishes the library to JCenter. Whether to publish to the snapshot vs release repository is determined by the buildVersion. Snapshot builds have a version number with a -SNAPSHOT suffix.

Publish Release Notes to Github

After your pull request with Gradle changes is merged, tag the release using the sample series of steps shown below:

$ git clone
$ cd pravega-keycloak
$ git checkout release-0.6
$ git tag v0.6.1
$ git push origin v0.6.1

Then, Create a release using the Releases page. Use the title of "Version x.y.z", and write useful release notes.

Update Build Version on Master Branch

Update buildVersion in with the next minor version number and with a -SNAPSHOT suffix.