Practicing React with namaste react
#parcel ⚡️
- Dev build
- local server
- HMR(reloading and updating the website asa we save the file)
- uses file watching algo
- caching
- image optimization
- minification
- bundling
- compressing
- consistent hashing
- differential bundling (supports old browser)
- diagnostic
- error handling
- Tree Shaking - removes unused codes for us
- Diff dev and prod bundles
- Transpiling the code (Babel)
(Normal JS utility functions)
- useState()
- useEffect() React keeps UI and Data layer in sync Whenever a state variable changes , react re-renders its components.
The reconciliation algorithm is a core feature of React that updates the user interface (UI) efficiently
How it works
Render virtual DOM: When a component changes, React creates a new virtual DOM tree.
Diffing: React compares the new virtual DOM tree to the previous one to find differences.
Update strategy: React determines the most efficient way to update the actual DOM.
Update DOM: React updates the actual DOM to reflect the differences.
Ensure updated UI: React ensures that the user sees the updated UI
- A virtual DOM (VDOM) is a lightweight JavaScript representation of a webpage's Document Object Model (DOM).
- it is a Object (js).
- it compares previous virtual DOM and updated virtual DOM
- and then re renders.