The user probe is to measure the slowness that agent and widget visitor are experiencing. The measurement was taken on live tenant accounts continously.
The user probe script can be also used to run load tests.
The MVP system runs as below,
- Node program using Puppeteer to load agent and visitor page. It saves the timing data from HAR file to Mysql database (
). The node program has the following use cases- Widget Chat Load (
) - Video Call (
) - Cobrowse (
- Widget Chat Load (
- Shell scripts utilize the node program to execute in continous (monitoring) or parallel (load test) fasion.
Grafana queries the Mysql and create the dashboard for data display
docker run -d --name=grafana -p 8000:3000 grafana/grafana
Grafana sends alert to slack #perf-test if an elevated delay is detected
The MVP is deployed on Digital Ocean Server (Node, Mysql and Grafana)
Each folder has the script to run for a specific use case.
In each folder test-puppet.js
, you need to replace the hostname based on the testing environment and you can give the testname based on the test you were performing. Additionally can also specify the pages parameter to test on concurrent users.
logData will be logging your data and metrics will be the json key value pair that has different timinings based on the tests we have performed with the script.
- Will be the time taken in milliseconds to
- Will be the time taken in milliseconds to load our page.
Will also be having the time taken in milli seconds for the api calls in case of init
, creating chat(create)
and adding the new messages(add-message)
. Har files data are been using to extact the response time.
The scripts includes the time taken in milliseconds to establish the websocket connection and this is done with dumping of the websockets data. CRM websocket connection
time and webrtc socket connection
times and socket send/receive
frame times were drawn as part of the metrics.
All this will be collected as part of the testing performing and a metrics
object with these timing values were logged.
```nohup ./ > log &```
- use Ubuntu machine
- use headless chrome
const PUPPETEER_OPTIONS = { headless: true }
- check XPATH of HTML element