REST apis for bowling app
The application exposes a REST service to calculate a bowling game score:
- Node.js
- MongoDB
It uses the following functions to map uses and score.
AddUser - To add a user (id and name) . Method to add use Id and name.
DeleteUser - To delete user (id)
Play- Pass userid and a string between 12 and 21 characters long where each character
represents a throw: X for a strike, / for a spare, or a number indicating how many pins were
knocked down.
RealTimePlay - The Game class should define a function that takes a single argument indicating
the score of one throw and userId, and returns the running score for the whole game.
Score - Takes userId and should return the current total score and username.
Running the application:
To Run the app use 'npm start'
To Run tests use 'npm test'
you can configure port ,server url and db in config.js file inside config folder
Example games:
Game('XXXXXXXXXXXX').score == 300 , player - TOM
Game('90909090909090909090').score == 90 , player - JERRY
Game('5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5').score == 150 , player - TOM
Game('X7/729/XXX236/7/3').score == 168 , player - ANDREW
Game('00000000000000000000').score == 0 , player - TOM
Game('01273/X5/7/345400X70').score == 113 , player - TOM
Game('X7/90X088/06XXX81').score == 167 , player - MIKE