In daily life we find it quite difficult to find a good home to live in. People have to go to every street and look for houses for rent. This method is quite time consuming and irritating, also owners who want their house To-Let, have to put up a sign board out of their house. NECESSITY OF PROGRAM: To brush out problems mentioned above, it was quite necessary to develop a problem like ours which not only provide information regarding availability of houses as per your choice of locality and cost but also provide owners a huge opportunity to sell their houses to a legitimate client. The program connects clients as well as owners identity with their aadhaar number and hence is secure to use. In addition to it, it also provides information about recent market prices of properties in various megacities of India and prices can be updated continuously. It can provide following facilities:
- Search for a house
- Update your property details
- Add account
- Delete account
- About us
- Price status
It also stores records of property being sold which allows us to avoid any future problems. Its connectivity with Mysql concretes its scalability, thus many users can be maintained at a single time without much efforts which was not possible by brokers to do so with their registers. Hence, it is a very useful program which fulfils requirement of time of time.
It contains the output screenshot of running code on Python IDE. One can use it to get acquainted with the output and inputs of program code.
It contains the main source code, the whole program is divided into sub programs using functions. Different function are being created to check the contact number,aadhar card number validity and to check integer inputs from user.