CIR 2020-21
- input: degree and distance
- parameters: number of points
- output: distance matrix, sorted distance matrix, a graph of the rips complex
(Enter a negative degree and distance to quit)
- input: none
- parameters: number of points
- output: distance matrix. sorted edge lengths, sorted distance matrix, a graph of rips complexes at all critical points
- input: none
- parameters: number of points
- output: distance matrix, sorted edge lengths, edge dictionary, sorted distance matrix, sorted edge matrix, the distribution of number of critical points, a graph of the distribution
- input: none
- parameters: number of points, number of trials
- output: (to csv) distribution of the number of critical-bigrades for edges
- input: none
- parameters: number of points
- output: (to console) connectivity matrix for all critial-bigrades
- input: none
- parameters: number of points, number of trials
- output: (to txt) connectivity matrix, (to csv) sum of connectivity matrix