Python 3.7 Docker Env with local PostgreSQL
- Docker installed
- dockerhub access
Clone this repository first and build your python image. This Dockerfile is using python:3.7-stretch with additional python libraries, pip, and pipenv. This image also includes a PostgreSQL client and the awscli.
docker build -t <dockerhub_account>/mypython3.7 .
Use a bash function to simplify starting your docker container. Review and customize to meet your needs.
mypython bash
cd <your python project dir>
pipenv --python python3.7 install flask python-dotenv psycopg2-binary Flask-SQLAlchemy
pipenv shell
Refer to ./training directory for python 3.7 basics, classes, and scripts.
You can use any PostgreSQL DB you have a route to or run on locally by following these steps.
Make sure you have docker installed and access to the internet. The script will ask you to set db $POSTGRES_USER / $POSTGRES_PASSWORD, and defaults the $POSTGRES_DB='sample'. It will import 1000 rows of sample data and setup the container to list on ports 80 and 5432
cd mypython
The script can install docker on CentOS if required. I have commented this secton out assuming this prereq is already in place for your environment.
Test your connectivity with PostgreSQL client (psql)
psql postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:80/sample -c "SELECT count(id) FROM employees;"
(1 row)
Note: You can do this same test using a container if you dont have the client locally installed.
docker run -it --rm postgres psql postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${MY_IP}:80/sample -c "SELECT count(id) FROM employees;"
This is assuming you have a local postgres container as your DB and you want to import/update it.
- For a new DB only. Connect to the running container and create the db.
docker exec -i postgres psql postgres -U $POSTGRES_USER -c "CREATE DATABASE <DB_NAME>;”
- create/restore the db
psql postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${MY_IP}/<DB_NAME> < <DB_NAME>_roles.sql
psql postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${MY_IP}:80/<DB_NAME> < <DB_NAME>.sql.dump
- use pg_dumpall to get roles.
pg_dumpall -h $REMOTE_HOST -p 5432 -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -v --roles-only -f "./${DB_NAME}_roles.sql”
- Use pg_dump to export the db.
pg_dump -h $REMOTE_HOST -p 5432 -U ${POSTGRES_USER} ${DB_NAME} > ./${DB_NAME}_dump.sql