To connect to specific Gdrive account via API, json file should be downloaded from google developer console. Location of that file should be provided in _json_credentials variable. Also _token variable should be filled with location of token.pickle file or if it does not exist yet, the location where we want to save it.
#Selenium tests: Location of Selenium drivers need to be provided in module with use of forward slashes. driver_location variable contains folder location of all required drivers. browser_driver variable contains names/remaining location of all required drivers. tested_url variable stores url for our site to test. Evidence folder as well as credentials file is provided in file. Evidence naming is using executed file name for folder name and executed function name for filename.
- Login with Selenium
- Logout with Selenium
- Screenshots with correct naming folders/files (folders with executed file name, files with executed function name)
- Self made custom selenium actions with waits until Expected Condition is fulfilled
- API login
- API download file by id
- API upload file
- Depending of machine performance, going through left side menu via Selenium with assertions may need some static waits before assertions (to be verified)
- In TearDown function ui objects are not recognizable for some reason, even though they are correctly executed
- Pytest does not work due to inability to find selenium package ;(
#To be done:
- Allure reporting
- Separate tests and testing framework to different repositories
- create python package
- improve and add new API tests