PLock is an Android Password Generator and Manager project that is my first ever code contribution and not all indicative of my current skill, I keep this to remind myself of how far I've come. It uses the HoloEverywhere and ActionBarSherlock libraries in order to add the Holo Theme and ActionBar Menu to older versions of Android.
- Pick at least one of four options for desired password characters.
- Choose the length of the password. Minimum is 6. Maximum is 16.
- Generate!
- Save the password.
- Hit View Saved Passwords
- First time only If you have not specified a pin. Select the settings icon and set a pin.
- Enter your pin
- All your passwords ( up to 7 entries) will be listed here.
- The use of the password will be listed first, to see the password just touch the entry.
- To copy a password, long press an entry.
If you wish to delete a password or passwords.
- Press the edit icon at the top.
- Check the entry you want to remove
- Press the Delete icon.