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Move implem specific rao parameters into extensions
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Signed-off-by: Pauline Jean-Marie <[email protected]>
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Pauline Jean-Marie committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent d0a793c commit b9b4fc3
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195 changes: 125 additions & 70 deletions python-util/
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Expand Up @@ -6,105 +6,160 @@

import os
import json
import re
from json import JSONDecodeError
import yaml

current_directory = os.getcwd()

relevant_rao_param_names = ["objective-function", "range-actions-optimization", "topological-actions-optimization",
"second-preventive-rao", "load-flow-and-sensitivity-computation", "multi-threading"]

tag_by_file_type = {"json": "objective-function", "yaml": "rao-objective-function"}

def rao_parameters_file(file_path):
# do not work with yaml yet
correct_version = False
score = 0
if "target" not in file_path and (file_path.endswith(".json") or file_path.endswith(".yml")):
ftype = "json" if file_path.endswith(".json") else "yaml"
has_rao_param_name = False
if "target" not in file_path and (file_path.endswith(".json")):
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), 'r') as file:
for line in file:
if '"version" : "2.4"' in line or '"version" : "2.5"' in line:
correct_version = True
if tag_by_file_type[ftype] in line:
score += 1
if "MAX_MIN_MARGIN" in line or "MAX_MIN_RELATIVE_MARGIN" in line:
score += 1
if correct_version and score >= 2:
if any(name in line for name in relevant_rao_param_names):
has_rao_param_name = True
if correct_version and has_rao_param_name:
return True
return False

def read_data(file_path) -> tuple[dict, str]:
if file_path.endswith(".json"):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file), "json"
except JSONDecodeError as je:
print("in file " + file_path)
raise je
if file_path.endswith(".yml"):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
return yaml.safe_load(file), "yaml" # ["rao-parameters"]

def extract_leading_whitespace(line):
leading_whitespace = ""
for char in line:
if char.isspace():
leading_whitespace += char
return leading_whitespace

def write_data(new_data, file_path, file_type):
# do not work with yaml yet
def read_data(file_path) -> dict:
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
lines_to_write = []
inside_obj_fun_to_replace = False
for line in lines:
if tag_by_file_type[file_type] in line and tag_by_file_type[file_type] in new_data:
leading_whitespace = extract_leading_whitespace(line)
inside_obj_fun_to_replace = True
if inside_obj_fun_to_replace and ((file_type == "json" and "}" in line) or (file_type == "yaml" and line == "\n")):
obj_fun_str = f'"{tag_by_file_type[file_type]}" : ' + obj_function_as_str_lines(new_data, file_type)
for new_line in obj_fun_str.splitlines(True):
lines_to_write.append(leading_whitespace + new_line)
inside_obj_fun_to_replace = False
elif not inside_obj_fun_to_replace:
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

def obj_function_as_str_lines(new_data, file_type):
if file_type == "json":
return json.dumps(new_data[tag_by_file_type[file_type]], indent=2, separators=(',', ' : ')) + ',\n'
return yaml.dump(new_data[tag_by_file_type[file_type]], default_flow_style=False) + '\n'

def new_rao_param(data: dict, file_path: str, file_type: str) -> dict:
return json.load(file)
except JSONDecodeError as je:
print("in file " + file_path)
raise je

class SpecialJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""A JSON Encoder closer to actual rao parameter json format"""

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.indentation_level = 0

def encode(self, o):
"""Encode JSON object *o* with respect to single line lists."""

if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):
if len(o) == 0:
return "[ ]"
return "[ " + ", ".join(self.encode(el) for el in o) + " ]"

elif isinstance(o, dict):
self.indentation_level += 1
output = [self.indent_str + f"{json.dumps(k)} : {self.encode(v)}" for k, v in o.items()]
self.indentation_level -= 1
return "{\n" + ",\n".join(output) + "\n" + self.indent_str + "}"

elif isinstance(o, float):
pattern = r'(\d+).?(\d*)e-0(\d+)'

def python_to_java_sci(match):
return f"{}{'.0' if not any( else ('.' +}E-{}"

float_as_str = re.sub(pattern, python_to_java_sci, str(o))
if float_as_str == "0.0001":
return "1.0E-4"
return float_as_str

return json.dumps(o)

def indent_str(self) -> str:
return " " * self.indentation_level * self.indent

def iterencode(self, o, **kwargs):
"""Required to also work with `json.dump`."""
return self.encode(o)

def new_rao_param(data: dict, file_path: str) -> dict:
obj_fun = data[tag_by_file_type[file_type]]
prev_secure = "preventive-stop-criterion" not in obj_fun or obj_fun["preventive-stop-criterion"] == "SECURE"
if prev_secure and ("type" in obj_fun or "preventive-stop-criterion" in obj_fun):
obj_fun["type"] = "SECURE_FLOW"
elif not prev_secure and "type" not in obj_fun:
obj_fun["type"] = "MAX_MIN_MARGIN"
if "preventive-stop-criterion" in obj_fun:
del obj_fun["preventive-stop-criterion"]
move_to_extension(data, "objective-function", ["curative-min-obj-improvement"])
move_to_extension(data, "range-actions-optimization",
["max-mip-iterations", "pst-sensitivity-threshold", "pst-model",
"hvdc-sensitivity-threshold", "injection-ra-sensitivity-threshold",
"ra-range-shrinking", "linear-optimization-solver"])
move_to_extension(data, "topological-actions-optimization",
["max-preventive-search-tree-depth", "max-auto-search-tree-depth",
"max-curative-search-tree-depth", "predefined-combinations",
move_to_extension(data, "second-preventive-rao")
move_to_extension(data, "load-flow-and-sensitivity-computation")
if "range-actions-optimization" in data:
new_names = {"pst-penalty-cost": "pst-ra-min-impact-threshold",
"hvdc-penalty-cost": "hvdc-ra-min-impact-threshold",
"injection-ra-penalty-cost": "injection-ra-min-impact-threshold"}
data["range-actions-optimization"] = {new_names[k] if k in new_names else k: v for k, v in
if "multi-threading" in data and any(data["multi-threading"]):
data["multi-threading"] = {"available-cpus": max(v for k, v in data["multi-threading"].items() if k in ("contingency-scenarios-in-parallel", "preventive-leaves-in-parallel"))}
move_to_extension(data, "multi-threading")
if "extensions" in data:
extensions = data["extensions"]
# put extensions at the end:
del data["extensions"]
data["extensions"] = extensions
except KeyError as ke:
raise KeyError("in file " + file_path) from ke
data[tag_by_file_type[file_type]] = obj_fun
return data

def move_to_extension(data: dict, name_level1: str, names_level2: list | None = None):
if name_level1 in data:
param_level_1: dict = data[name_level1]
if names_level2 is None:
st_params = get_or_create_st_params(data)
st_params[name_level1] = param_level_1
del data[name_level1]
if any(set(names_level2).intersection(param_level_1.keys())):
st_params = get_or_create_st_params(data)
if name_level1 not in st_params:
st_params[name_level1] = {}
for name_level_2 in names_level2:
if name_level_2 in param_level_1:
st_params[name_level1][name_level_2] = param_level_1[name_level_2]
del param_level_1[name_level_2]
if not any(param_level_1):
del data[name_level1]

def get_or_create_st_params(data: dict) -> dict:
if "extensions" not in data:
data["extensions"] = {}
if "open-rao-search-tree-parameters" not in data["extensions"]:
data["extensions"]["open-rao-search-tree-parameters"] = {}
return data["extensions"]["open-rao-search-tree-parameters"]

def write_data():
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(new_rao_params, f, indent=2, separators=(',', ' : '), cls=SpecialJSONEncoder)

# do not work with yaml yet
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_dir = os.path.join(current_directory, "..")
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base_dir):
for filename in filenames:
file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
if rao_parameters_file(file_path):
data, file_type = read_data(file_path)
new_rao_params = new_rao_param(data, file_path, file_type)
write_data(new_rao_params, file_path, file_type)
old_rao_param = read_data(file_path)
new_rao_params = new_rao_param(old_rao_param, file_path)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ private RaoParametersCommons() {
// objective function parameters
public static final String OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION = "objective-function";
public static final String OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION_SECTION = "rao-objective-function";
public static final String ST_OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION_SECTION = "search-tree-objective-function";

public static final String TYPE = "type";
public static final String UNIT = "unit";
public static final String CURATIVE_MIN_OBJ_IMPROVEMENT = "curative-min-obj-improvement";
Expand All @@ -32,16 +34,18 @@ private RaoParametersCommons() {
// range actions optimization parameters
public static final String RANGE_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION = "range-actions-optimization";
public static final String RANGE_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION_SECTION = "rao-range-actions-optimization";
public static final String ST_RANGE_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION_SECTION = "search-tree-range-actions-optimization";

public static final String MAX_MIP_ITERATIONS = "max-mip-iterations";
public static final String PST_PENALTY_COST = "pst-penalty-cost";
public static final String PST_RA_MIN_IMPACT_THRESHOLD = "pst-ra-min-impact-threshold";
public static final String PST_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD = "pst-sensitivity-threshold";
public static final String PST_MODEL = "pst-model";
public static final String HVDC_PENALTY_COST = "hvdc-penalty-cost";
public static final String HVDC_RA_MIN_IMPACT_THRESHOLD = "hvdc-ra-min-impact-threshold";
public static final String HVDC_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD = "hvdc-sensitivity-threshold";
public static final String INJECTION_RA_PENALTY_COST = "injection-ra-penalty-cost";
public static final String INJECTION_RA_MIN_IMPACT_THRESHOLD = "injection-ra-min-impact-threshold";
public static final String INJECTION_RA_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD = "injection-ra-sensitivity-threshold";
public static final String LINEAR_OPTIMIZATION_SOLVER = "linear-optimization-solver";
public static final String LINEAR_OPTIMIZATION_SOLVER_SECTION = "rao-linear-optimization-solver";
public static final String LINEAR_OPTIMIZATION_SOLVER_SECTION = "search-tree-linear-optimization-solver";
public static final String SOLVER = "solver";
public static final String RELATIVE_MIP_GAP = "relative-mip-gap";
public static final String SOLVER_SPECIFIC_PARAMETERS = "solver-specific-parameters";
Expand All @@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ private RaoParametersCommons() {
// topological actions optimization parameters
public static final String TOPOLOGICAL_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION = "topological-actions-optimization";
public static final String TOPOLOGICAL_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION_SECTION = "rao-topological-actions-optimization";
public static final String ST_TOPOLOGICAL_ACTIONS_OPTIMIZATION_SECTION = "search-tree-topological-actions-optimization";

public static final String MAX_PREVENTIVE_SEARCH_TREE_DEPTH = "max-preventive-search-tree-depth";
public static final String MAX_AUTO_SEARCH_TREE_DEPTH = "max-auto-search-tree-depth";
public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_SEARCH_TREE_DEPTH = "max-curative-search-tree-depth";
Expand All @@ -61,38 +67,24 @@ private RaoParametersCommons() {

// Multi-threading parameters
public static final String MULTI_THREADING = "multi-threading";
public static final String MULTI_THREADING_SECTION = "rao-multi-threading";
public static final String CONTINGENCY_SCENARIOS_IN_PARALLEL = "contingency-scenarios-in-parallel";
public static final String PREVENTIVE_LEAVES_IN_PARALLEL = "preventive-leaves-in-parallel";
public static final String AUTO_LEAVES_IN_PARALLEL = "auto-leaves-in-parallel";
public static final String CURATIVE_LEAVES_IN_PARALLEL = "curative-leaves-in-parallel";
public static final String MULTI_THREADING_SECTION = "search-tree-multi-threading";
public static final String AVAILABLE_CPUS = "available-cpus";

// Second Preventive RAO parameters
public static final String SECOND_PREVENTIVE_RAO = "second-preventive-rao";
public static final String SECOND_PREVENTIVE_RAO_SECTION = "rao-second-preventive-rao";
public static final String SECOND_PREVENTIVE_RAO_SECTION = "search-tree-second-preventive-rao";
public static final String EXECUTION_CONDITION = "execution-condition";
public static final String RE_OPTIMIZE_CURATIVE_RANGE_ACTIONS = "re-optimize-curative-range-actions";
public static final String HINT_FROM_FIRST_PREVENTIVE_RAO = "hint-from-first-preventive-rao";

// RA usage limits per contingency parameters
public static final String RA_USAGE_LIMITS_PER_CONTINGENCY = "ra-usage-limits-per-contingency";
public static final String RA_USAGE_LIMITS_PER_CONTINGENCY_SECTION = "rao-ra-usage-limits-per-contingency";

public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_RA = "max-curative-ra";
public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_TSO = "max-curative-tso";
public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_TOPO_PER_TSO = "max-curative-topo-per-tso";
public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_PST_PER_TSO = "max-curative-pst-per-tso";
public static final String MAX_CURATIVE_RA_PER_TSO = "max-curative-ra-per-tso";

// Not optimized cnecs parameters
public static final String NOT_OPTIMIZED_CNECS = "not-optimized-cnecs";
public static final String NOT_OPTIMIZED_CNECS_SECTION = "rao-not-optimized-cnecs";
public static final String DO_NOT_OPTIMIZE_CURATIVE_CNECS = "do-not-optimize-curative-cnecs-for-tsos-without-cras";

// Not optimized cnecs parameters
// Load flow and sensitivity parameters
public static final String LOAD_FLOW_AND_SENSITIVITY_COMPUTATION = "load-flow-and-sensitivity-computation";
public static final String LOAD_FLOW_AND_SENSITIVITY_COMPUTATION_SECTION = "rao-load-flow-and-sensitivity-computation";

public static final String LOAD_FLOW_AND_SENSITIVITY_COMPUTATION_SECTION = "search-tree-load-flow-and-sensitivity-computation";
public static final String LOAD_FLOW_PROVIDER = "load-flow-provider";
public static final String SENSITIVITY_PROVIDER = "sensitivity-provider";
public static final String SENSITIVITY_FAILURE_OVERCOST = "sensitivity-failure-overcost";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,6 +112,7 @@ private RaoParametersCommons() {
public static final String RELATIVE_MARGINS_SECTION = "rao-relative-margins-parameters";
public static final String PTDF_BOUNDARIES = "ptdf-boundaries";
public static final String PTDF_SUM_LOWER_BOUND = "ptdf-sum-lower-bound";
public static final String SEARCH_TREE_PARAMETERS = "open-rao-search-tree-parameters";

public static PtdfApproximation stringToPtdfApproximation(String string) {
try {
Expand Down

This file was deleted.


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