This is a Data Science project with Visualization and Analyisis on Stock Trading of Apple.
There are additional Yahoo Finance and XGBoost Library to run the code here beyond the Anaconda distribution of Python. The code should run with no issues using Python versions 3.*.
For this project, I was interestested in using Apple dataset from 2016 to 2022 to better understand:
Which is the best time to Buy a Stock in the Stock Market ?
Which is the best time to Sell a Stock in the Stock Market ?
There is 1 notebooks available here, which gives answers to all the above questions.
The main findings of the code can be found at the post available here.
Must give credit to Apple and Yahoo Finance Library for the data. You can find the Licensing for the data and other descriptive information at the Yahoo Finance link available here. Otherwise, feel free to use the code here as you would like!