Generator of a file with non-working days for MikroTik routers.
With system Python:
- Install Poetry:
- Type the following:
poetry install
poetry run mt-holidays --help
poetry run mt-holidays list-countries
poetry run mt-holidays generate RU holidays.txt
With Docker:
- Install Docker:
- Type the following:
docker build -t mt-holidays .
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app mt-holidays --help
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app mt-holidays list-countries
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app mt-holidays generate RU holidays.txt
$ poetry run mt-holidays list-countries --help
Usage: mt-holidays list-countries [OPTIONS]
Lists available countries or regions with their codes.
--include-subregions / --no-include-subregions
[default: no-include-subregions]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ poetry run mt-holidays generate --help
Usage: mt-holidays generate [OPTIONS] ISO_CODE [FILE_OUTPUT]
Generate file for any country using Workalendar.
ISO_CODE [required]
[FILE_OUTPUT] [default: -]
--extra-working-days [%Y-%m-%d]
--extra-holidays [%Y-%m-%d]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ poetry run mt-holidays generate-ru --help
Usage: mt-holidays generate-ru [OPTIONS] CSVFILE [FILE_OUTPUT]
Generate file for Russia using export.
CSVFILE [required]
[FILE_OUTPUT] [default: -]
--help Show this message and exit.
# get today's date
:local date [/system clock get date]
# read the file holidays.txt and cast it to the array
:local hdays [:toarray [/file get [/file find name=holidays.txt] contents]]
# check if $date in the array $hdays
:local isWork ([:typeof [:find $hdays $date -1]] = "nil")
:if ($isWork) do={
# the code to run in working days
} else={
# the code to run in non-working days