Your Youtube subscriptions in dmenu
First off download your Youtube subscriptions from the bottom of this page and save the file somewhere. This file does not update automaticly so if you change your subscriptions on the site you have to redownload it.
The following instructions expect that path to your subscription_manager
is ~/subscription_manager
and all three script files are located in
Running updateytsubs
list all your subscription video details to
You must give it path to the subscription_manager
as the first argument.
It is best to create a cronjob for this. For example to update every 15 minutes
run crontab -e
and add something on the lines of:
*/15 * * * * ~/.scripts/updateytsubs ~/subscription_manager
reads the ~./youtubesubs
file and lets you to select one
using dmenu.
It returns the video url or path to file that you can use as a parameter for
your favourite media player.
For example if using mpv:
mpv -fs "$(~/.scripts/selectytvideo)"
If you are using i3 wm I recommend adding the following to your i3/config:
bindsym $mod+y exec mpv -fs "$(~/.scripts/selectytvideo)"
downloads all videos listed in ~/.youtubesubs
. The default download folder is ~/Videos/yt/
. selectytvideo
also looks for files in this folder and prefers to return file path instead of
- Special characters in video titles may or may not cause problems
- Continuation of interrupted downloads works inconsistently
- downloader does not ignore ongoing livestreams.