This repository contains various scripts to setup and configure machines handled by OSM-FR association (a french association for OpenStreetMap). These scripts are used with [ansible][].
A version of ansible >= 1.4 is sufficient, and is available in Debian testing, or from git repository
Then, a few variables are needed to launch ansible easily.
Configuration of a new machine with default configuration.
- add the machine to file hosts, in section [vm] if it is a virtual machine, at the top otherwise.
- launch following command:
ansible-playbook -l <hostname> common.yml
Adding a new user to a specific machine.
- add the machine to file hosts, in the relevant section [user]
- if necessary, add the user to roles/common/tasks/main.yml, with the public ssh key in public_keys/
- launch following command:
ansible-playbook -l <hostname> common.yml --tags user_creation
Adding a service to a specific machine.
- add the machine to file hosts, in the relevant section [service]
- launch following command:
ansible-playbook -l <hostname> <service>.yml