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SilverStripe Payments via Omnipay

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The aim of this module is to make it easy for developers to add online payments to their SilverStripe application. It makes heavy use of the Omnipay Library. There are many gateway options to choose from, and integrating with additional gateways has a structured approach that should be understandable.

A high quality, simple to use payment module will help to boost the SilverStripe ecosystem, as it allows applications to be profitable.

This module is a complete rewrite of the past Payment module. It is not backwards-compatible, but a migration task is available. In a nutshell, it wraps the PHP Omnipay payments library and provides some additional functionality. To understand more about omnipay, see:





  • Gateway configuration via YAML config.
  • Payment / transaction model handling.
  • Detailed + structured logging in the database.
  • Provide visitors with one, or many gateways to choose from.
  • Provides form fields, which can change per-gateway.
  • Caters for different types of gateways: on-site capturing, off-site capturing, and manual payment.
  • Wraps the Omnipay php library.
  • Multiple currencies.

Compatible Payment Gateways

There are many gateways available, which you can install separately. Note that currently this module uses version 2.x of the Ominpay library.

Searching packagist is useful:

It is not too difficult to write your own gateway integration either, if needed.


Composer is currently the only supported way to set up this module:

composer require silverstripe/silverstripe-omnipay

As of version 2.0 this module only requires omnipay/common so you will also need to pull in your payment adapter of choice. Have a look at where the second column is the package name.

For example, if your site uses PayPal you would also need to run:

composer require omnipay/paypal

There's also short guide how to enable manual payments or PayPal Express available.


You can configure gateway settings in your mysite/_config/payment.yml file. Here you can define a list of allowed gateways, and separately set the gateway-specific settings.

You configure the allowed gateways by setting the allowed_gateway config on Payment. You can also choose to enable file logging by setting file_logging to 1.

To configure the individual gateway parameters, use GatewayInfo and add a key for every Gateway you want to configure.

Each Gateway can have the following settings:

Setting Type Description
is_manual boolean Set this to true if this gateway should be considered a "Manual" gateway (eg. Invoice)
use_authorize boolean Whether or not this gateway should prefer authorize over purchase
use_async_notification boolean When set to true, this gateway will receive asynchronous notifications from the payment provider to confirm status changes
token_key string Key for the token parameter (for gateways that generate tokens for credit-cards)
required_fields array An array of required form-fields
parameters map All gateway parameters that will be passed along to the Omnipay Gateway instance
is_offsite boolean You can explicitly mark this gateway as being offsite. Use with caution and only if the system fails to automatically determine this
can_capture boolean/string Set how/if authorized payments can be captured. Defaults to "partial". Valid values are "off" or false (capturing disabled), "full" (can only capture full amounts), "partial" or true (can capture partially) and "multiple" which allows multiple partial captures.
can_refund boolean/string Set how/if captured payments can be refunded. Defaults to "partial". Valid values are "off" or false (refunding disabled), "full" (can only refund full amounts), "partial" or true (can refund partially) and "multiple" which allows multiple partial refunds.
can_void boolean Whether or not voiding of authorized payments should be allowed. Defaults to true
max_capture mixed Configuration for excess capturing of authorized amounts. See the max_capture section further below.
Name: payment
    - 'PayPal_Express'
    - 'PaymentExpress_PxPay'
    - 'Manual'

      username: 'example.username.test'
      password: 'txjjllae802325'
      signature: 'wk32hkimhacsdfa'
    use_authorize: true
      username: 'EXAMPLEUSER'
      password: '235llgwxle4tol23l'
  environment: 'live'
  file_logging: 1
    - 'Dummy'

      testMode: true
  environment: 'live'
      username: 'liveexample.test'
      password: 'livepassawe23'
      signature: 'laivfe23235235'
      username: 'LIVEUSER'
      password: 'n23nl2ltwlwjle'

The SilverStripe documentation explains more about YAML config files.

The max_capture config setting

Some payment providers allow capturing more funds than the ones that were initially authorized. PayPal for example allows capturing up to 115% of the authorized amount, capped at USD $75. Eg. if the authorized amount is USD $100, the merchant is allowed to capture $115 at max. If the authorized amount is USD $1000, the max. amount is $1075.

The max_capture setting can be used to configure these scenarios. Here are some examples:

    # configure only a fixed amount. The max. increase for captures is always 80
    max_capture: 80
    # configure only a fixed percentage. The max. increase for captures is always 10%
    max_capture: '10%'
    # configure both percentage and a fixed max. amount
      percent: 15
      amount: 75

The example above models the PayPal example with 115%, capped at USD $75. The amount is unitless and uses the currency of the current payment. If you need to specify different amounts per currency, it can be done as follows:

    # configure both percentage and a fixed max. amount per currency
      percent: 15
        USD: 75
        GBP: 55
        EUR: 70

The Payment class comes with a helper method getMaxCaptureAmount that will calculate the max. amount of money you can capture. With the PayPal example above, we'll get the following:

$payment = Payment::create()->init('PayPal_Express', 121, 'USD');
$payment->Status = 'Authorized'; // must be authorized, otherwise the amount will be 0
// the following will print '139.15'
echo $payment->getMaxCaptureAmount();

$payment = Payment::create()->init('PayPal_Express', 1900, 'USD');
$payment->Status = 'Authorized'; // must be authorized, otherwise the amount will be 0
// the following will print '1975.00'
echo $payment->getMaxCaptureAmount();

Gateway naming conventions

The way gateways are named is dictated by the Omnipay module. Since there might be different gateways in one Omnipay-Payment-Driver, we need a way to address these via different names.

The rules are pretty simple: Class names beginning with a namespace marker (\) are left intact. Non-namespaced classes are expected to be in the \Omnipay namespace. In non-namespaced classes, underscores or slashes (\) are used to denote a specific gateway instance.


  • \Custom\Gateway\Custom\Gateway
  • \Custom_Gateway\Custom_Gateway
  • Stripe\Omnipay\Stripe\Gateway
  • PayPal\Express\Omnipay\PayPal\ExpressGateway
  • PayPal_Express\Omnipay\PayPal\ExpressGateway

And another example: Omnipay PayPal comes with three different gateway implementations: ExpressGateway, ProGateway and RestGateway. The gateway names for these gateways would be: PayPal_Express, PayPal_Pro and PayPal_Rest.

Please follow the rules above to choose the correct gateway name in your configuration files.

Throughout the documentation and examples of this module, you'll find the syntax with underscores. It's easier to read and less error-prone (escaping) than the syntax with namespace markers (\).


List available gateways

In your application, you may want to allow users to choose between a few different payment gateways. This can be useful for users if their first attempt is declined.

$gateways = GatewayInfo::getSupportedGateways();

If no allowed gateways are configured, an Exception will be thrown.

Get payment form fields

The GatewayFieldsFactory helper class enables you to produce a list of appropriately configured form fields for the given gateway.

$factory = new GatewayFieldsFactory($gateway);
$fields = $factory->getFields();

If the gateway is off-site, then no credit-card fields will be returned.

Fields have also been appropriately grouped, in case you only want to retrieve the credit card related fields, for example.

Required fields can be configured in the YAML config file, as this information is unfortunately not provided by Omnipay:

Name: payment
    - 'PaymentExpress_PxPost'

      username: 'EXAMPLEUSER'
      password: '235llgwxle4tol23l'
      - 'issueNumber'
      - 'startMonth'
      - 'startYear'

Make your model Payable

You can optionally add the Payable extension to your model (e.g. Order, Subscription, Donation, Registration). This will add a has_many Payment relationship to your model, and provide some additional functions

NOTE: You must create the associated has_one relationship on Payment yourself. This can be done with an extension or via the YAML config system. For example, the following extension will be applied to Payment:

class ShopPayment extends DataExtension {
    private static $has_one = array(
        'Order' => 'Order'

Or purely with YAML:

    Order: Order

The Payment Services and Service Factory

There are currently five payment services available, which map to methods exposed by Omnipay. Which one you can use in practice depends on the capabilities of the individual gateway. Some gateways will support all services, while some support only a few (eg. the "Manual" gateway doesn't support "purchase").

The services are:

  • PurchaseService : Directly purchase/capture an amount.
  • AuthorizeService: Authorize an amount.
  • CaptureService: Capture a previously authorized amount.
  • RefundService: Refund a previously captured amount.
  • VoidService: Void/Cancel an authorized payment.

Each of these services implements an initiate and a complete method. The initiate method is always required and initiates a service. Depending on how the gateway handles requests, you might also need the complete method.

This is the case with offsite payment forms, where initiate will redirect the user to the payment form and once he returns from the offsite form, complete will be called to finalize the payment.

Another (less common) case is, when the payment provider uses asynchronous notifications to confirm changes to payments.

While you can instantiate the services explicitly, the recommended approach is to use the ServiceFactory. The service factory allows easy customization of which classes should be instantiated for which intent. The service-factory can also automatically return an AuthorizeService or PurchaseService, depending on what was configured for the chosen Gateway.

The following constants are available to instantiate Services:

  • INTENT_PURCHASE requests a purchase service.
  • INTENT_AUTHORIZE requests an authorize service.
  • INTENT_CAPTURE requests a capture service.
  • INTENT_REFUND requests a refund service.
  • INTENT_VOID requests a void service.
  • INTENT_PAYMENT returns authorize- or purchase-service, depending on selected Gateway.

In code:

$payment = Payment::create()->init("PxPayGateway", 100, "NZD");

// The service will be a `PurchaseService`
$service = ServiceFactory::create()->getService($payment, ServiceFactory::INTENT_PURCHASE);

// Initiate the payment
$response = $service->initiate($data);

Make a purchase

Using function chaining, we can create and configure a new payment object, and submit a request to the chosen gateway. The response object has a redirectOrRespond function built in that will either redirect the user to the external gateway site, or to the given return url.

// Create the payment object. We pass the desired success and failure URLs as parameter to the payment
$payment = Payment::create()
    ->init("PxPayGateway", 100, "NZD")
    ->setFailureUrl($this->Link()."?message=payment cancelled");
// Save it to the database to generate an ID

$response = ServiceFactory::create()
    ->getService($payment, ServiceFactory::INTENT_PAYMENT)

return $response->redirectOrRespond();

Of course you don't need to chain all of these functions, as you may want to redirect somewhere else, or do some further setup.

After payment has been made, the user will be redirected to the given success url (or failure url, if they cancelled).

Passing correct data to the purchase function

The omnipay library has a defined set of parameters that need to be passed in. Here is a list of parameters that you should map your data to:


Note: transactionId can be a reference that identifies the thing you are paying for, such as an order reference id. It usually shows up on bank statements for reconciliation purposes, but ultimately depends how the gateway uses it.

Extension hooks

To call your custom code when a payment was captured, you'll need to introduce an extension that utilises the onCaptured extension hook.

For example:

class ShopPayment extends DataExtension {

    private static $has_one = array(
        'Order' => 'Order'

    public function onCaptured($response){
        $order = $this->owner->Order();


There are many other extension hooks available, you'll find them documented in docs/en/


When customizing the payment flow (e.g. subclassing PaymentForm or OrderProcessor), please take care to only pass whitelisted user input to PurchaseService and the underlying omnipay gateways. The easiest way to ensure no arbitrary data can be injected is by using Form->getData() rather than acessing $_REQUEST directly, since this will only return you data for fields originally defined in the form.

Debugging payments

A useful way to debug payment issues is to enable file logging:

Name: payment
  file_logging: true #or use 'verbose' for more detailed output

Renaming gateways and translation

You can change the front-end visible name of a gateway using the translation system. The gateway name must match what you entered in the allowed_gateways YAML config.

For example, inside mysite/lang/en.yml:

    Paystation_Hosted: "Credit Card"
    PayPal_Express: "PayPal"

This approach can also be used to provide different translations. For further information about module translations, please read docs/en/

Caveats and Troubleshooting

Logs will be saved to debug.log in the root of your SilverStripe directory.

  • Payments have both an amount and a currency. That means you should check if all currencies match if you will be adding them up.

It's highly recommended that you enable general error-logging on production environments. Example for your mysite/_config.php:

// log warnings and errors to file.
// Make sure the logfile is not accessible via HTTP. Best put it in a folder outside of the webroot.
SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter('/var/log/silverstripe-log.log'), SS_Log::WARN, '<=');

Migrating from Payment module

Before you import your database and do a DB/build, add the following YAML config to your site:

Name: payment
    Status: "Enum('Created,Authorized,Captured,Refunded,Void,Incomplete,Success,Failure,Pending','Created')"

This will re-introduce old enumeration values to the DB.

Run the migration task:

Further Documentation


SilverStripe integration with Omnipay PHP payments library.







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