The RoboCup@Home league is a competition aims to develop service and assistive robot technology with high relevance for future personal domestic applications.
This project is developed for the team Pequi Mecânico from the Ferderal University of Goiás (Brazil), this is submodule of the project responsible for the voice recognition and natural language processing of the robot.
- Python 3.6 (Rasa NLU Tensorflow dependence do not support 3.7 [01/03/19])
- Rasa Core
- Rasa NLU
- Chatette
To facilitate the requirements instalation just run:
sudo apt-get install libasound-dev
sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio
conda install tensorflow=1.12 pyaudio
pip install -r requirements.txt
First we need to generate the traning data that we will feed to the Rasa NLU model, to that this project uses an data generation tool called Chatette, the .chatette files are localized in rasa/data_generation.
To generate the traning data to the default folder (/rasa/data) just run:
make generate-chatette
To the train the Rasa NLU model run the command below, the model will be saved on /rasa/models/nlu
make train-nlu
To the train the Rasa Core model run the command below, the model will be saved on /rasa/models/core
make train-core
Finally to run the Rasa Stack(the chatbot and the action server):
make run