This is an Arduino based robotics project. It's still a work in progress. Feel free to contribute! I am still working out some quirks to make it more reliable and stable.
Find the hardware files here.
Current electronics: Arduino mega 2560 12 Servo SG51R 16 Kanal PWM/Servo IIC PCA9685 (servoboard) TOF-Sensor VL53L0X Fan DS18B20 Thermo-Sensor
Next steps: the leg part will become slimmer and lighter the hip and foot part will be made so the motor is enclosed the mount for the display will be improved there will be a way to mount a battery and/or power bank some time in there far future a turret will be added to hold a LiDar cable-management and board mounts will be added using raspberry pi zero using myrobotlab or robot operating system adding a camera