Dash controller is responsible to manage lifecycle of DashApplication objects.
You can spin up kubernetes cluster using kind. The following script deploy also load balancer and ingress controller.
$ example/kind/run-kind.sh
Install CRD:
kubectl create -f config/crd/bases
Now you can deploy the controller:
kubectl create -f resources/
Go to example
directory to deploy your first dash application
kubectl create -f example/dash_picsum.yaml
apiVersion: dash.plural.sh/v1alpha1
kind: DashApplication
name: picsum
namespace: default
replicas: 1
image: "zreigz/dash-picsum:0.1.0"
containerPort: 8050
ingressClassName: "nginx"
path: "/picsum"
The controller will create Deployment, Service and Ingress with the DashApplication name: picsum
When you deployed kind cluster the application will be available on this address: http://localhost/picsum