For firefly-iii/data-importer ( support a to csv export is already in progress as quickwin workarround. It will be possible to load ziped camt packages from your bank directly into the converter for .csv output.
In a further step the direct connection to firefly-iii will be provided per interface or api
Docker install: Find image on
docker pull plumpedboots/camt_converter:latest
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 plumpedboots/camt_converter
or use the docker-compose file:
How to:
- Visit your bank account.
- Download as many CAMT reports as you like as a zip file
- Upload zip-file to webapp using the "Browse..." button
- CSV Files will be generated in background
- Download your archive including all the csv files with the "Download archive" button.
- Import it in firefly-iii/data-importer