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Mreporting plugin allows you to display graphical reports from a single MySQL transaction
You must declare it.
You need to create a class in inc/ folder
The file and class names must repect GLPI Standards :
- filename : name.class.php
- classname : class PluginMreportingName Extends PluginMreportingBaseclass
Replace name label by your choice.
Please note class inheritance, This is required. The plugin detects your class with this inheritance.
You also must create a new locale file : locales/reports_locales/myreport_en_GB.php
And add the class declaration to it :
$LANG['plugin_mreporting']['Classname']['title'] = "Reportings (Wiki Example) - Title";
$LANG['plugin_mreporting']['Classname']['desc'] = "Reportings (Wiki Example) - Description";
'Classname' key is you class name in short format.
Ex :
PluginMreportingMyreport -> Myreport
For generate graphical reports, you must add functions to the previous class.
Plugin framework provides 2 types of graphs
- Simple data (Pie, Horizontal bars, Line or Area)
- Multiple datas (Horizontal grouped bars et Multi lines/areas)
Your functions need to be named in a certain way :
function reportTypeNomDeLaFonction($config = array()) {
- they must always be prefixed by 'report'
- next comes the type of graph (Hbar, Pie, Hgbar, Area, Line, Garea, Gline, ...)
- And finally a suffix as desired
We must, as for the class, assign titles (descriptions optionally) for each function. Always in your local file (locales/reports_locales/myreport_en_GB.php) :
$LANG['plugin_mreporting']['Classname']['NomDeLaFonction']['title'] = "my function title";
$LANG['plugin_mreporting']['Classname']['NomDeLaFonction']['desc'] = "my function description";
$LANG['plugin_mreporting']['Classname']['NomDeLaFonction']['category'] = "my section";
They should return an array() whose structure is described in the following paragraph.
Simple datas :
return array(
'datas' => array(
"Apples" => 25,
"Pears" => 52,
"Strawberries" => 23,
"Peaches" => 10`
'unit' => 'Kg/Lb' //optionnal
Multiple datas:
return array(
"datas" => array(
"Paris" => array(12, 84, 65, 31),
"Bordeaux" => array(84, 72, 18, 23),
"Lille" => array(54, 81, 25, 26)
"labels2" => array("Apples", "Pears", "Strawberries", "Peaches")
'unit' => 'Kg/Lb' //optionnal
Note : For type type area/garea/line/gline, an additional parameter is available.
spline : curves the lines
return array(
'datas' => array(
'unit' => 'Kg/Lb' //optionnal
'spline' => true' //optionnal
Framework provides a bunch of selectors for filter your datas :
- dateinterval (date1 and date2)
- period (day/week/...)
- multiplegrouprequest
- multiplegroupassign
- userassign
- category (with type)
- limit
You can also declare a selector in your class :
static function selectorMyselectorname() {
// display the selector html
You must declare in you function a session var to define the selectors to display :
$_SESSION['mreporting_selector']['myfunctioname'] = array('dateinterval', 'period', 'myselectorname');
In your function, you can retrieve selector values with the session var :
$_SESSION['mreporting_values'] : {
period : 'week',
myselectorname : '...',
'dateinterval' is a special selector. You also can access value by "$_SESSION['mreporting_values'] ('date1'.$randname])", but the framework provides a special function to format you SQL WHERE parts :
$wheredate = PluginMreportingCommon::getSQLDate($field = "`glpi_tickets`.`date`", $delay=365, $config['randname'])
// return "($field >= '$date1' AND $field <= ADDDATE('$date2' , INTERVAL 1 DAY) )";
$randname is the id of the function. It contains $classname.$functionname. In your report function, you get this var in $config array submitted in parameter of your function.