Luigi is a Kubernetes Operator to deploy, manage, and upgrade advanced networking plugins. The default Kubernetes networking model with one CNI and cluster-wide network can be too restrictive for many advanced networking use cases like NFV or virtualization
There are many discrete plugins and solutions, but knowing which ones to use, deploying and managing them can be tedious. Secondary CNIs? Multus? SRIOV? Device plugins? OVS? Which IPAM? What's the current Linux networking state of my nodes? How do I configure my nodes in order to support all of these?
This will require an already working K8s cluster with DNS and a primary CNI up and running. Deploy the manifest found in samples in this repo:
kubectl apply -f
A deployment of 1 replica will be created in the luigi-system namespace.
Or, To get started sign up for Platform9 Managed Kubernetes(PMK) for free at, see more about our Telco 5G offerings at or contact us at With PMK, Luigi will already be deployed and managed itself
Platform9 publishes the images to Docker Hub under platform9 organisation.
- Luigi image is published as
platform9/luigi-plugins:<version tag>
- Hostplumber image is published as
platform9/hostplumber:<version tag>
The version tag is set to the git tag in git repository. In the absence of a tag, it is set to [git branch]-pmk-[git revision id]
Override the version tag using env variable
- For Luigi:
- For Hostplumber:
The scope of each plugin is beyond this documentation. But if you know you need it, luigi will deploy the following:
- HostPlumber: A subset of Luigi, an operator to configure/prep networking on the node and retrieve node details
- See:
- Use to create SRIOV VFs, configure OVS, create VLAN interfaces, etc...
- Recommended unless you have your own tooling to configure nodes
- Multus
- Almost always required - the only way K8S can support multiple CNIs and networks
- SRIOV Device Plugin
- OpenVSwitch daemon & CLI tools
- OVS CNI plugin
- Macvlan, IPvlan
- Whereabouts IPAM driver
- Required for dynamic IP assignment without an external DHCP service.
- Node Feature Discovery
namespace: Each plugin will take in a namespace override to deploy, default namespace otherwise
Image override: Each plugin will take an image override field to use a non-default/stable container image. This is not guaranteed to work, especially if the plugin's CRs have changed. It should only be used for dev-test or bug fixes
imagePullPolicy: By default IfNotPresent
privateRegistryBase: Some airgapped env's may have a custom container registry. If this is specified, it will replace the public container registry URL (,, quay, etc..) with this path
Each plugin may or may not have some further specific configuration. Here are the current options as of release v0.3:
- HostPlumber - none
- Multus - none
- SRIOV - none
- Node-feature-discovery - none
- OVS - none
- Whereabouts
- ipReconcilerSchedule - specify the CronJob schedule of the whereabouts IP cleanup Job
- ipReconcilerNodeSelector - specify the nodeSelector Labels on which to schedule the ip-reconciler
In it's current phase, only one instance of the CRD is supported. It will reflect the final, desired state of all plugins to be deployed.
If it is present, Luigi will ensure that the plugin is deployed and upgraded. If missing and re-applied, Luigi will remove the plugin if it was previously managing it.
kind: NetworkPlugins
name: networkplugins-sample11
# Add fields here
#privateRegistryBase: "localhost:5100"
hostPlumber: {}
nodeFeatureDiscovery: {}
multus: {}
ipReconcilerSchedule: "*/1 * * * *"
# SRIOV actually consists of two plugins - the CNI, and the device-plugin
# Use HostPlumber to create the actual VFs
sriov: {}
ovs: {}
The above will deploy all the plugins specified in the default namespace. To override the namespace, and deploy in kube-system:
kind: NetworkPlugins
name: networkplugins-sample11
# Add fields here
#privateRegistryBase: "localhost:5100"
namespace: "kube-system"
nodeFeatureDiscovery: {}
namespace: "kube-system"
namespace: "kube-system"
namespace: "kube-system"
That is it! Now that you have the secondary CNIs and other related plugins deployed, you may need to prep the nodes before you can actually create Multus Networks and assign them to Pods. In order to do so, use Luigi's own HostPlumber plugin. See README for HostPlumber
This project needs to migrate to Kubebuilder/v4.
webhooks where added manually make generate && make manifestes
will not add required field for webhook in crds and luigi deployment. refer samples/luigi-plugins-operator-v2.yaml