An extension of heap_5.c which allows for heap visualization (helps determine if it's fragementing), efficient reallocation, and overrun sentinels
Expects a heap_regions.h in the include path, here is an example of the content:
__attribute__((section(".data"))) static uint8_t ucHeap_DATA[ configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE_DATA ];
__attribute__((section(".bss"))) static uint8_t ucHeap_BSS[ configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE_BSS ];
#define heap_regions_init(xHeapRegions) \
xHeapRegions[0].pucStartAddress = ucHeap_BSS; \
xHeapRegions[0].xSizeInBytes = sizeof(ucHeap_BSS); \
xHeapRegions[1].pucStartAddress = ucHeap_DATA; \
xHeapRegions[1].xSizeInBytes = sizeof(ucHeap_DATA); \
xHeapRegions[2].pucStartAddress = NULL; \
xHeapRegions[2].xSizeInBytes = 0;