composer require pkshetlie/pagination-bundle
add to AppKernel.php
new Pkshetlie\PaginationBundle\PaginationBundle(),
Add to config.yml
- { resource: "@PaginationBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
installation is done.
in some Dummy controller
class DummyController extends Controller{
public function indexAction(Request $request){
$qb = $this->getDoctrine()->getReposiitory('DummyBundle:DummyEntity')->createQueryBuilder('x');
// you can add some
$qb->orderBy( ... )
$qb->where( ... )
$pagination = $this->get('pkshetlie.pagination')->process($qb, $request);
return $this->render('DummyBundle:Dummy:index.html.twig',[
'pagination'=> $pagination,
in the index.html.twig
{% import '@Pagination/Pagination/macro.twig' as macro_pagination %}
{% for entity in pagination.entities %}
{# ... your stuff with <tr> / <td> #}
{% endfor %}
{# draw the pagination #}
{{ macro_pagination.paginate(pagination) }}
that's all !