- 🏠 Overview
- 🏢 Architecture
- 📋 Registration
- 🅿 Program Management
- 💵 Payments
- 🔐 Privacy & Security
- 📊 Monitoring and Reporting
- 🔧 System Administration
- ⛓ Workflows
- 🔗 Integrations
- 📦 Releases
- ⚒ Testing
- 👥 Community
- 📗 License
- 📔 How-To Guides
- Install WireGuard Client on Desktop/Laptop
- Install WireGuard Client on Android Device
- Create User and Assign Role
- Create a Custom Group
- Create Program
- Create Self-Service Portal Form
- Map Self-Service Portal Form
- Self Register Online
- Integrate with MOSIP e-Signet
- Create ODK Form
- Provide Form Access to Field Agent
- Download Form on ODK Collect
- Register Offline
- Create MTS Connector
- Create Eligibility Manager Types
- Create Eligibility Manager under Program
- Configure Proxy Means Test
- Enrol Registrants into Program
- Configure ID Types
- Create Deduplication Manager under Program
- Create Deduplication Manager Types
- Deduplicate Registrants
- Create Notification Manager Types
- Create Notification Manager under Program
- Send Notifications to Individual Registrants
- Configure Program Manager under Program
- Create and Approve Program Cycle
- Multi-Stage Approval
- Create Entitlement Voucher Template
- Create Entitlement Manager Type
- Configure Entitlement Manager under Program
- Create Payment Manager Types
- Configure Payment Manager in Program
- Prepare and Send Payment
- Install SmartScanner App
- Submit Reimbursement Using the Service Provider Portal
- Reimburse the service provider
- 📙 Documentation Guides
- 👩💻 Developer Zone
- 📘 Deployment Guide