- Capitalize the first letter of every word in the guide title.
- Use second-person pronouns i.e. you, your, etc. in the instructions/steps.
- It is mandatory to do spelling and grammatical corrections using tools such as Grammarly.
- Use the italicized font for UI elements i.e. dashboard names, button labels, information fields, etc.
- Use the exact name and case for the UI elements.
- Use quotes for a phrase/word if the phrase/word has to be represented as is.
- Provide a link at the first mention of a new/different topic. For example, if the guide is talking about installing the SmartScanner app, and the WireGuard app is mentioned, then provide the link for WireGuard.
- Use clear and crisp images.
- The filename for images should follow the naming convention of every word in lower case, and words separated by hyphens i.e. view-all-programs.png.