Data Structures and Algorithm in Golang
Hi there! 👋
I'm maintaining this repo solely for the purpose of brushing up my DS Algo concepts before an interview.
- Array and Slices Problems (Inprogress).
- String Problems (Inprogress).
- Sliding Window Problems (Inprogress).
- Sorting and Searching Problems (Inprogress).
- Binary Search Problems (Inprogress).
- Recursion Problems (Inprogress).
- Linked List Problems (Inprogress).
- Stack Problems (Inprogress).
- Queue Problems (Inprogress).
- Binary Tree Problems (Inprogress).
- Binary Search Tree Problems (Inprogress).
- Heap and Priority Queue Problems (Inprogress).
- Hashing Problems (Inprogress).
- Tries and Pattern Matching (Inprogress).
- Graph Problems (Inprogress).
- Dynamic Programming (Inprogress).
Note: This is not a complete guide for interview preparation.
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.
- Programming Interviews Exposed by Eric Giguere, John Mongan, and Noah Kindler.
- A udemy course by Prateek Narang Software Engineer @Google Link.
- GeeksForGeeks Link.
- Coding Interview University referred by Google Recruiter for Google Interview Preparation Link.
Note: This repo contains the topic wise programming Questions and their Solutions in Golang.
- GeeksForGeeks Link.
- Coding Interview University referred by Google Recruiter for Google Interview Preparation Link.