##Developed by
[InIT Cloud Computing Lab] (http://blog.zhaw.ch/icclab/)
Generic Rating, Charging & Billing framework for cloud services.
##System Requirements
- CPU > 1.7 GHz
- RAM > 2GB
- Disp Space > 5 GB
##Known Issue
Warning: Django expects the mysql root user to not have a password. For a mysql root user with a password, an error is thrown at the stage of syncing & migration of the db schemas.
##Get started
- Install git on the server
- Load the coadbase on to the server
git clone https://github.com/piyush82/icclab-rcb.git
- Change directory into "icclab-rcb"
cd icclab-rcb
- Run the setup file
sudo bash setup.sh {username} {password}
- Here the username and password are the mysql account details that will be used by cyclops.
- Edit the config.conf file to add the URL for authentication and mysql server login credentials, mysql username and password will be the values you provided while running the script.
- Start the server
python manage.py runserver[port]