- Click ⭐ if you like the project and follow @PiyushAgrawal for more updates.
- From basic to advanced: Test how well you know JavaScript, refresh your knowledge a bit, or prepare for your coding interview. I update this repo regularly with new questions.
- A complete JavaScript interview handbook/series containing all the topics from basic level to advance. This Series consists of 45+ important topics with related questions and answers.
No. | Topic |
1 | Introduction to Javascript |
2 | Advantages of JS |
3 | Disadvantages of JS |
4 | Client and Server Javascript |
5 | Strict mode in JS |
6 | DOM and BOM |
7 | Window and Document Object |
8 | JS Engine |
9 | Code Execution in JS |
10 | Event Loop |
11 | Data Types |
12 | Operators |
13 | Coercion and Type conversion |
14 | Types of Errors |
15 | Scope |
16 | Shadowing |
17 | Hoisting |
18 | VAR vs LET vs CONST |
19 | Functions |
20 | Parameters vs Arguments |
21 | Spread vs Rest Operator |
22 | Higher order functions |
23 | IIFE |
24 | Closure |
25 | Currying |
26 | Infinite Currying |
27 | Callbacks |
28 | This Keyword |
29 | Objects |
30 | Delete Keyword |
31 | Constructor Function |
32 | Getter Setter |
33 | Prototype |
34 | Prototype Chaining |
35 | Classes |
36 | Inheritance |
37 | Static Keyword |
38 | Private Methods |
39 | OOPS |
41 | Encapsulation |
42 | Abstraction |
43 | Polymorphism |
44 | Polyfills |
45 | Deep copy and shallow copy |
46 | Promises |
47 | Async Await |
48 | Event Propagation |
49 | SetTimeout and SetInterval |
50 | SetTimeout and SetInterval |
51 | Cookies and Local storage |
52 | Debouncing |
53 | Throttling |
54 | Set , Map , weakSet , weakMap |
55 | Debugger |
56 | Debugger |
57 | Important output based questions |
58 | Important theory questions |
The topics and questions provided in this repository are the summary of all the frequently asked questions across numerous companies. We cannot guarantee that these questions will actually be asked during your interview process, nor should you focus on memorizing all of them.
Good luck with your interview 😊