A various color Matrix filters for pixi.js with TON of presets!
# npm
npm install pixi-color-effects
# yarn
yarn add pixi-color-effects
import { Tint } from "pixi-color-effects";
const app = new Application({
// **
let filter = new Tint();
app.stage.filters = [filter];
// change value
let num = 0;
app.ticker.add((delta) => {
num += 0.1;
filter.value = Math.sin(num) * 1;
import { Preset } from "pixi-color-effects";
let filter = new Preset("aladin");
app.stage.filters = [filter];
let filter = new Tint();
// use a method
Method | Argument | Description |
getEffectConfig | Get the filter's configuration object |
This project is licensed under the MIT License.